Managed to drag my ass to the gym today and it was about time! I also booked 3 classes for next week so I'll be doing:
Monday - Zumba
Tuesday - Zumba (just at a local hall in Kelty)
Wednesday - Step
Thursday - Body Combat
Had a bit of moment in the gym as well. I haven't been happy for a very long time. Not with my life, I love my husband, my family and my true friends but with myself. I've known for years that losing weight would help my PCOS and I know the things that I should and shouldn't eat but I haven't done it. For years, I've just been the jolly fat girl who doesn't fully trust anyone and won't confide in anyone unless I've had a couple of drinks. Always trying to please other people. I would go as far to say that I hated myself.
But times are changing. This is my year! The weight is going! My studies are demanding more of my time so I need to concentrate on that. So this time next year, I'll be smaller and a fully qualified nurse.
Awwww sweetie! I've had days like that, I've struggled with pnd and low self confidence for years, I total hear where you are coming from! Stay strong lovely! You can do it I have faith in you! Xx