My 30th birthday, what to do.......

When I started out on this weight loss track, it was all aimed at my 30th birthday which is August of this year.

However, since I started all this, I've cancelled my party and as it stands I'm not doing anything for it. But last night, I was out in Edinburgh for a friends birthday, he doesn't read this blog but just in case he decides to, his next important birthday is 40!!

Anyhoo, last night my mate was telling me that I should do something for my birthday so now I'm thinking about it but I have no idea what. I'm organising some surprises for my best mate for her birthday in a few weeks so I'm in the party planning mode. I have a problem, I'm originally from one county but now stay in another and have friends in them both. Its not fair to ask people to travel that sort of distance just for a night out and I only have one spare room in my house. There is no where inbetween that would be a happy medium.

I also don't know what type of night out to have. I love going dancing but my hubby doesn't and I'd obviously like him to be there to help celebrate my birthday. I don't want a girls only thing, I have a few male friends who I'd want to be there. Aaaaahhhhh!! I just don't know what to do. 

So any suggestions, please leave them as a comment 'cause I just don't know what to do and a fresh pair perspective would help........


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