The gym

Now I'm not saying that the gym is getting easy but it is getting easier.

The problem is I'm not really sure what to do about it. I did quite a lot at the gym tonight and I was red and sweating (as per usual) but I'm not having to put in the same effort. 

So the plan is to increase the intensity of everything (I think). I'm planning to take everything up to a 10 intensity. I'm going to try and keep it at the same length of exercise. I'm going to attempt to run for a little bit longer and rest for less time on the treadmill.

I think I'm so confused because I've never got to this point of a weight loss before. I've never stuck at the gym long enough for it to get easier so there's never been an need to change the programme that I'm working at. I'm really pleased with myself that I've stuck at it and I feel a lot better. I like recycling outfits now so I can see if they fit me any better :-)


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