Well today was my first proper day back at the gym and I had forgotten how much I love the high you get after exercise!
After the disaster of last Friday when I almost passed out, I ended up at the doctors on Monday morning. I'd managed to pick up a lovely wee infection which was affecting my stomach and lungs. The doctor thinks my panicking about not being able to breath was causing my BP to go through the roof. When he did it, it was slightly high but I couldn't breath properly but no where near as high as it was on Friday. However I'm on day 3 of 5 of some steroids and am feeling so much better.
It was my programme that I got in the gym this morning and the trainer guy is determined to break me. I stupidly said that I wanted to do those pull up things and I think he's dead set on making me do it within the 4 weeks lol.
I also did a metafit class and went for a swim. Metafit is an amazing class! I haven't worked that hard since I did CPT and even then I got more time to recover because I was in group 1. It's a short class (30 mins but you only actually work for 17 mins). It's repetitive sets of high intensity exercises with a short 20 sec break in between each. It's the shortest 20 secs ever!!! I'm booked again to go on Monday am and I can't wait. My gym instructor was the one who took the class. He's a lovely guy 1on1 but as soon as he gets in front of a class he starts the shouting malarky. I'm fairly sure he didn't expect me to answer him back...... I didn't say anything bad and I didn't swear. It was something along the lines of 'aye in your dreams doll' I do remember saying doll, I was knackered!
My swim afterwards wasn't as good as I had intended but in my defence, I could hardly move my arms after the gym then that class. I managed 10 lengths. I need my mate Kalie who is a swimming teacher to show me how to do that turning thing at the end of a length. I always miss the wall and leave myself short lol. I tried it twice today, first time I missed the wall by miles and the second time I crashed into the wall. Thankfully the pool was relatively quiet :-)
So the plan for the rest of the week has changed a bit.
Mind and Body
Weigh in
Body balance
Days off
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