Commando training

Commando training tonight was a hard one!!! It was fitness circuits that we had to do and we'll be doing them monthly to see how much fitter we're getting. I've put all the exercises below. I've also put the number of reps I managed to do. We had to do as many of them as possible for 60 secs. We recorded how many we did and have them as a guide for next month. 

Push Ups - 37 
Sit ups - 15 
Squat thrusts - 18 
Wide arm push ups - 36 
Sit ups with a twist - 15 
20 metre sprint - 4 

Absolutely shocking results but it gives me something to aim for next month and as there is no way that I'll beat anyone else on the class, I've got myself as competition!! The overload was really difficult tonight as well. There's one hill in the park that the instructors love to make you run up and down. It's ssssssoooo steep!!!! We had to run up it backwards then back down and just for good measure, he made us run up it forward as well. Back tomorrow for another dose of the same :-)


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