Tonight's blog is about something that I have discussed before but not very often. 

I suffer from polycystic ovaries syndrome. I was diagnosed when I was about 20 but have had problems long before that. When I lived in Edinburgh I was seen almost every 6 months and would  get help for my symptoms as and when they arose.

However I don't live in Edinburgh anymore and at my new doctors I have had absolutely no support whatsoever. All the symptoms that I get I battle on my own. Tonight was a perfect example of that. I went to the doctor to ask for help. I came out with nothing and she is going to refer me to the wrong department of the hospital. So tomorrow I'm going to have to call them again and tell them that I'm about to be referred to the wrong place. 

With my doctors, I feel like its a total lack of knowledge. And they don't seem to want to expand it. We're taught in uni about knowing about the 'expert patient' ie patient's who know their condition inside and out. I've been living with this for 10 years and there isn't much that I don't know about it. I was told tonight that she wasn't comfortable adding new medications but she was more than happy to remove the old ones. I'm just feeling thoroughly frustrated. I'm trying to do my bit by losing the weight and building up my exercise but I can't get them to help me at all.

It's time that GP's learnt more about PCOS, how many people it affects and how it's managed effectively.

Anyway rant over, bring on the lovely conversation that I have to have with them tomorrow :-(


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