Getting there....
I'm actually starting to feel like the big dark cloud hanging over me is starting to lift. For the first time in about 2 weeks I've managed to get myself out of bed and go out somewhere. I have nowhere in particular that I'm going, I'm just going out. The only reason I was going out before was if I had something to go out for.
I hope this means that I'm starting to move in the right direction. I've had people say to me that I should be getting on with it and that life goes on but I wasn't ready. I'm not 100% feeling like myself but I'm getting there. I'm standing at the bus stop as I type this and there is a beautiful little girl in a pushchair sitting staring at me. Today was the first time that it didn't reduce me to tears and believe me, over the last 2 weeks, the tears come wherever I am either in public or private. I think people have thought I've got the worst hayfever ever!!
I'm out for lunch & dinner tomorrow with 2 different girls. The last 2 days have been my worst and I was seriously going to cancel but these 2 girls have been there for me 100% through all this even though they have their own stuff going on. It's the same with the girl that I met week, she's got her own things going on and she took the day to make sure I was doing ok.
I've also come off facebook for a while (not sure how people will read this....). It had exploded with things on the Royal Baby and Peter Andre's pregnant girlfriend. I know that life goes on but I just need a wee breather from it. It's weird because I love hearing how my pregnant friends are doing. I think it's because I hear it from one person rather than every 2nd post being about it.
I'm back to work on Wednesday which I think will help me get some normality back into my daily life. It's what I need at the moment.
Thank you to everyone who's got in touch with a message of support. I realise it's a difficult subject for some people to talk about and that makes me even more grateful for the messages. Thank you as well to the girls who have given me a lunch/dinner/coffee to get out of my bed for. I never did make it for a run but that'll come. What I've realised since posting my blog entry with the original news is that so many women that I know have been through it yet we don't talk about it. When I discovered that I was pregnant I realised how much I used this as my own personal form of therapy because I wasn't able to post. I know talking about a miscarriage on a public place might seem odd, it's the way that I've become used to dealing with my feelings.
I've been completely taken aback by the strength and range of emotions that I've been dealing with. I spoke last time about doing something to remember the baby by. Yesterday I uploaded a message onto the Forget Me Not Meadow at the Miscarriage Association. It hasn't actually gone up yet but I felt a bit better for doing it.
So I'm starting to look forward.....but am just taking it one day at a time :-)
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