Well I did it....
Well I went for a run on Saturday morning. On Friday night I did say that I was going to go but I wasn't even sure I believed myself lol
But I did, I had breakfast and went out for a run not long after. I found a really good app on my phone which tracks how far you run, how fast and where you actually go. My total distance was 6.35km but I didn't run it all, not by any means. I've got a playlist with 'power songs' set up and when I needed a boost on Saturday that's exactly what they did. I've included a picture below that I took at the 6km mark, I was so pleased that I managed it in under an hour.
I think I did ok except for one point at the top of a hill when I let that wee voice in my head tell me that I should just turn back 'cause I wasn't going to be able to go all the way round. I was about to turn back but I thought 'No, to hell with this, even if I have to walk I'm going the rest of the way round'. I also get super self conscious about running when other people are there. There's a bit of this track where a lot of family are (there's a playpark, beach, restaurants etc) and I wasted that bit of the track by walking it.
I even finished it all off with a wee sprint, I felt like my legs were going to fall off..... Today I'm not too sore either. The only pain I have is in my back and that's just a muscular pain from being too tense when I started running.
I'm going back out for a run tomorrow, same place but later on in the afternoon. I haven't quite finished unpacking my stuff from moving home yet. I'm going for a run with my friend but if anyone else reading this fancies it, drop me a note
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