What a year and it's only April

I have posted on here in a while but as the title suggests, it's been some start to the year. I started my new job and it's amazing! The job is fantastic, the girls that I work with are great, it's a win/win situation. 

My weight loss stalled a little bit but I decided to go back to a slimming club and in my first week lost 3.5lbs. That takes my overall weight loss to 101lbs!!!!! I'm so chuffed to get into triple figures. I've lost almost as much as I still have to lose!

I've also taken on a load of charity things for the remainder of the year.

  • Swimathon 2.5k (100 lengths of a 25m pool) - Saturday 18 April for Marie Curie
  • A Walk to Remember 13 miles - Saturday 13 June for St Columbas Hospice
  • Race for Life 5k - Sunday 14 June for Cancer Research
  • Fun Run 5k - Sunday 11 October for Tommy's
Initially they were reasons to keep the fitness kick going, they've now turned into something else. They've become ways to distract myself. I've had another miscarriage :-( Devastated doesn't even begin to cover it. Like last time, it's like an ache in my heart that I get reminded off on a regular basis. This is number 3 for us so we're getting referred for extra tests. Not 100% sure exactly what that entails but I've got an idea. I'm slightly better in terms of my emotional health this time round as I've been consciously taking control of the situation. It's still not a great headspace to be in but I've definitely got more of a grip of myself. Last time I ended up leaving nursing because of it but this time, I'm in a much more supportive place professionally. The girls at work have really been amazing! I cannot thank them enough for their support. The usual suspects have also been massively supportive and they know who they are.

Now I have to get my head around losing a third baby and where we go from here but that will be decision that Matt & I make together. In the meantime, I have all these charity events and weight loss to concentrate on. My eating habits have been shocking the last week or so, I've been emotionally eating because of everything that has happened but I just have to start again.

So going forward, I've got all this running & swimming to train for and that will become what is at the forefront of my mind 


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