On it......

I have royally fallen off the wagon for the last few weeks but my 1st degree essay has been submitted and I'm getting used to being back out on placement so I have no excuse at all.

So tomorrow when I get paid, I'm going back to the gym. The plan is:

Tuesday - Body Combat
Wednesday - Step
Thursday - Body Combat
Friday - Body Combat
Saturday - Gym or Body Pump
Sunday - Volunteering

Food diary starts again as well. I also have action points from my Jillian Michaels book:

1. Removing stressful relationship from my life
2. Developing a support system. According to my book I need a partner in crime, a role model and a fan
3. Changing my self talking (I have post previously about my negative self talk) 
4. Avoiding tempting situations
5. Curbing mindless eating
6. Cutting Portion Size

So this week the cup is half full and I'm back on it like a car bonnet!!!!! :-)


  1. Been through some times myself when weight has brought me down but the hard work along the way is worth the gains. When snacks and mindless eating tempt me, I think of how much worse I'd feel if I ate and got bigger, than if I exercised restraint and got that mental reward and knowing I'd not taken a step back.
    You can do it! And if the worst comes to the worst, suck on a wee bit of dark chocolate. Not too bad for the diet, and very good for the cravings!


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