It's been a while...................

It's been a really really long time since I posted on here, 1669 days to be exact (yes, I used excel to work that out)

I'm not altogether sure why I stopped. I think it was just not as therapeutic for me as it had been when I started. Recent events have made me rethink that though so that's why I'm back.

So what's happened in the last 4 years, 6 months & 25 day?? LOADS!!! A few of the bigger things.

- I left nursing altogether. After the 3rd miscarriage, I just lost myself. It was a horrible, horrible time and I just couldn't give my patients the emotional support that they needed

- The extra tests after the 3rd miscarriage revealed nothing. They have no idea what caused them

- I moved back into admin and found my passionate for Excel again! I've always loved Excel but have now taught myself how to make it do everything except make a cup of tea

- Matt & I moved back into Edinburgh and have a lovely wee detached house in Gilmerton. It's now the 3 of us (me, Matt & our little cat Sheldon). We had to have our bigger guy, Zander, put down a couple of years ago.

There has been plenty more happen but I will get into it over time. My thoughts behind writing this blog again is that it helped my mind set so much when I was doing it before and I really need to get some of it back. This time, I've also got an Instagram page that I release a lot of things on and often do face to camera videos which is a new confidence boasting thing. If you have Instagram and fancy following me, my account is @myjourneywartsandall I've even made a wee link for you. I normally share photos of cleaning (I got into cleaning in a BIG way over the last year or so. This will be one of the big things that I talk about), my cat & my face with a filter. I'm also a bit obsessed with stationery (not sure I ever shared that on here). 

So that's it for now. I'm not going to go mental with the posting and bore you to tears but I will be back more frequently than I have in a while and hopefully writing my thoughts down will help lift me out of my funk! So for now, here is a wee picture of my gorgeous wee kitty to start things off...….


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