Happy New Year!! Hope everyone had a brilliant Christmas and New Year. Ours was all family orientated. Matt's birthday fell in between but he got to spend that at the football so he was happy.
So it's 2014. This is going to be a much better year than last, I can feel it in my bones. I'm going back to nursing (just waiting on the necessary paperwork to start). It was a huge decision but the right one. I was starting to miss it. That's the major change from the end of 2013.
My weight loss journey has restarted with a bang. I went for a 7.71km run a day or so ago and plan to go out again tomorrow. I'm using a book called 'Run Fat B!tch, Run' to help me with my training programme. It's brutal in that it tells the truth but brilliant at the same time. Wll it's maybe not for the faint hearted but I really like it. I've also had a weigh in and am ashamed to say that I have put on so much weight :-( So a wee stats update:
Current weight: 18st 13lbs (265lbs)
Target weight: 10st (140lbs)
Total to lose: 8st 13lbs (125lbs)
I've attached a picture of how much I have to lose in real terms. A bloody newborn giraffe lol!!!!
As well as my running, I'm going to start going to a circuit training thing that runs in Rosyth. I'm not supposed to go back to CPT but then I was told I wouldn't be able to run again either so we'll see. I said in my previous blog that my aim would be to lose 2lbs a week. At this rate, I would achieve that in just over a year. Realistically though, I'm aiming to take between 18-24 months to achieve it.
On a more sociable note, Matt turns 40 this year and I'm organising something for him. More to follow later but it won't be on here. He knows I'm organising something but doesn't know what.
So here's to 2014, whatever it has in store........
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