Another change.........

Things are changing again, I'm coming home. Manchester didn't work out so I'm coming home. I know that there were "friends" at the night out when I left that said I wouldn't last in Manchester. I'm not ashamed of the fact that I'm a homebody and need to be around my support network. It's not easy leaving everyone behind and start a brand new career in a totally strange city.

Do I feel like a failure? Absolutely!! Do I regret going down? Not at all. I've done the first 3 months of my staff nurse career, met some amazing people (who I hope will come and visit me in Edinburgh) and I've got a new found confidence in my job. 

I love nursing and I don't want to forget that all because of homesickness. I also found this picture lately that represents to me the path of relationships. If I stay here Matt and I will never move onto the next part and that makes me sad. I've put the picture below. 

I'm coming home today for about a week and have a full diary of catching up. I then have to come back to Manchester to serve my notice and then I'll be back home for good. 


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