Well on my way....

In my last post, I spoke about my challenge for 2014 being the Moonwalk. My preparation for it is now well under way. I've started working with a personal trainer at the gym and this will week starts to incorporate the actual training programme that Walk the Walk have sent out. It's quite a daunting thought that I'm going to be walking 26 miles.

Things otherwise have been weird lately. I'm missing my granny quite a lot just now. Things are a bit of a crossroads for me and she would be the one that I would turn to about it and I'm missing having her there. Everyone I've spoken to about her death knows that the way things happened isn't what I would have wanted for her and I think that compounds it for me. I know she was in her 80's but it was unexpected and I keep thinking about what was the last thing I said to her. With my dad and my grandad, we got to 'engineer' our last moments with them but not with granny. I'm also acutely aware that I would have been 9 months pregnant and our baby would have been due about now. I don't think she fully understood how sad I was but she was there for me anyway.

I think the whole point of talking about her was that you have to make sure the people you love know that you love them. Don't assume they know. Live each day like it's your last. I'm not talking about going on mad trips or crossing off things on a bucket lost. Just do things that make you happy with people who make you happy. I've definitely learnt over the last 8 months that you can't sweat the small stuff. It's a waste of energy.

So what's my plan? Well exactly what I've just said. I'm investing my time in people who would do the same for me. I'm going to let my personal trainer to continue destroying me on a weekly basis and get my weight down. Other than that I'm just going to take whatever hand I'm dealt. I can only control so much and as long as I have that much sorted that's all I can do. A bit of a wishy washy post this morning but as I've said all along I'm using this to be honest and there are other things going on in the background which have put me in this mindset.

Hope your week is a good one :-)


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