
Showing posts from January, 2014

Another wee weigh in - Week beginning Mon 20th Jan

Another week down and another weigh in done. So here goes: Last week: 18st 12lbs (264 lbs) Lost: 3lbs!!!! Current weight: 18st 9lbs (261 lbs) I haven't done a jot of exercise this week, it's all been diet so I'm really chuffed with this weight loss. I've started a new job, not a nursing job, but it pays the bills. I've also joined a new gym in Edinburgh. With this new job, I won't be able to make it back to Fife for any of the Fife circuit/CPT classes that I was looking to do so this gym is cheap as chips and it runs enough classes for my liking. I can't get to the gym tomorrow because I have a meeting so it'll be a start on Tuesday after work. I'm really looking forward to it :-) At the end of this week, I'm having the girls round to the house for an Arbonne party so that'll be a good laugh: bit of food, some drinks and a bit of girlie banter. It's a while since I've had the girls round so I'm looking forward to catchi...

Weigh in

I'm going to start this blog with an admission. I didn't post a weigh in post last week because I had put on weight again. Last week I put on 3lbs :-( but on the plus side, I went for an amazing night out with wee Noms as almost like a final blow out. So I start this post weighing 19st 3lbs :-( Boo!! But today, I did weigh in and I lost 5lbs!!!! Woop woop. Stats Last week: 19st 3lbs (269lbs) Current weigh: 18st 12lbs (264lbs) Lost 5lbs Weight to go: 8st 12lbs (124lbs) I also discovered a new fitness DVD this week. It's by Jillian Michaels and is called Shed and Shred. Amazing! I forgot how much I love the buzz of hard exercise. I'm going to get a couple of stones off and go to the circuit type training that I've spoken about in past posts. Not a big blog this week, not a lot has happened this week. Maybe something exciting will happen over the course of this week......

Week 1 - What a bust

Week 1 was a complete bust. I ate crap and wasn't really in the mood to do anything in terms of exercise.  The first time I went out running, I ended up soaking wet and generally feeling rotten and it just put me off. The wind was biting and I really couldn't get past how cold & miserable I was. If any runners read this, I would really appreciate some advice on how you get past the cold when you're running.  I weighed in on Sunday and had put on a pound. So the first week of my resolution didn't go so well but there are still 51 weeks to achieve it. So..... Previous weight: 18st 13lbs (265lbs) Gain: 1lb :-( New weight: 19st (266lbs) I bought a exercise DVD on Sunday as well. I generally don't buy them. I think they're all a bit of a con and when you get used to the routine, it all gets a bit boring. However, this year I bought the fitness DVD that Vicky from Geordie Shore produced. I've watched every season of Geordie Shore and I really like he...


Happy New Year!! Hope everyone had a brilliant Christmas and New Year. Ours was all family orientated. Matt's birthday fell in between but he got to spend that at the football so he was happy. So it's 2014. This is going to be a much better year than last, I can feel it in my bones. I'm going back to nursing (just waiting on the necessary paperwork to start). It was a huge decision but the right one. I was starting to miss it. That's the major change from the end of 2013. My weight loss journey has restarted with a bang. I went for a 7.71km run a day or so ago and plan to go out again tomorrow. I'm using a book called 'Run Fat B!tch, Run' to help me with my training programme. It's brutal in that it tells the truth but brilliant at the same time. Wll it's maybe not for the faint hearted but I really like it. I've also had a weigh in and am ashamed to say that I have put on so much weight :-( So a wee stats update: Current weight: 18st 13lbs (2...