Nervous much!!!

Well the nerves have well and truly kicked in ahead of moving.

I've used the last two weeks to catch up with people before I go and it's starting to seem so final. I've got a big night out planned for the end of the month where I'll catch up with everyone who can come properly. There are some friends that when I move away, we'll probably never speak again and that's ok, we're just not in the same place in our lives. My priorities have changed from where they were 3 years ago. It's a fact that makes me a bit sad but that's life.

I think what I'm most nervous about is starting this new job, in a new town on my own. My family and my close friends support me more than they probably realise. They allow me to switch off. I get to listen to how their day has been and what's going on with them. That's what I'm going to miss. I'm going to be working and living in the same place and I worry that I won't be able to switch off.

I'm also going to miss physically seeing them. I know my closest family don't read this (except Matt) so I can say it on here. They've brought it up over the last few weeks about not physically seeing them and I dismiss it saying that phone contact is just as good. But I'm lying, I will miss seeing them. My granny is 80 and face time on an iPhone messes with her head lol. But that's how it will work for the first month or so, until I get a wage and can get up to see them. The only good thing is if I'm having a bad time, I can hide it in a phone call, I can't do that if they can see me.

So only 17 days to go and I'll be south bound and hopefully these nerves will have subsided enough to let me function. I do thrive on a certain level of nerves but it needs to be a manageable level. I have other things to concentrate before moving anyway: Christmas, Matt's birthday, leaving night out and then New Year. Bring it all on!!! :-)


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