
Showing posts from December, 2012

2012, what a year

Well tomorrow is the last day of 2012 and what a year!! This year, I celebrated my 30th birthday and my 5th wedding anniversary. My 30th was a brilliant day and I had a fantastic night out. I actually have a 'song' that reminds me of my birthday lol. I haven't had that since my 18th. My wedding anniversary was lovely too but for different reasons. I think mentally 5 years was a big one for us. We knew that when we got to 5 years married, we would have been together for 10 years and it would also mean that my course was nearly over and we'd made it through to the end of it, together. I am lighter in weight than I have been in a long time. I've put on some weight since I had to stop CPT but that's ok, I'm going back to the gym in Manchester when I get down there. I have just realised though that the dress I wore last night to my leaving do made me look pregnant at certain angles :-( but hey ho, it was a size 18 and I fitted into it. I now have a degree i...

Nervous much!!!

Well the nerves have well and truly kicked in ahead of moving. I've used the last two weeks to catch up with people before I go and it's starting to seem so final. I've got a big night out planned for the end of the month where I'll catch up with everyone who can come properly. There are some friends that when I move away, we'll probably never speak again and that's ok, we're just not in the same place in our lives. My priorities have changed from where they were 3 years ago. It's a fact that makes me a bit sad but that's life. I think what I'm most nervous about is starting this new job, in a new town on my own. My family and my close friends support me more than they probably realise. They allow me to switch off. I get to listen to how their day has been and what's going on with them. That's what I'm going to miss. I'm going to be working and living in the same place and I worry that I won't be able to switch off. I...

It's all over :-(

Well placement and Uni are now officially over and I have a degree in Nursing and start my job as a staff nurse in a few weeks. I can't believe it. The last 3 years have flown by. Would I do it again? Yeah I would. Would I do differently? There are somethings that I'd change but life is too short for regrets. One of the girls and I organised a graduation night out for the class last night. I couldn't go but I've heard from some girls this morning and they seemed to have a good time. We'll get a proper graduation ceremony in the summertime where we get the gowns and all that jazz. I'll come home for that. I think my granny would kill me if I didn't. So now I have Christmas, New Year and then moving. It's all happened so quickly. I'm so excited now! I've got 3 weeks of catching up with friends and in fact tonight I'm going to my friend Vicky's house to have a Take That party. It's a long standing thing that we do and is exactly...