
Showing posts from September, 2012

Fingers crossed, things are moving forward

This week I got some brilliant news. I passed my diploma in Nursing!!! That means that I can get a job as a Staff nurse. There is still the option to go for my degree which is my plan but providing I pass the placement I'm currently on, I'll be Staff Nurse Chambers in 10 weeks. Scary but exciting stuff. Now starts the hunt for a job. I have an interview next week which I have everything crossed for. I had my first interview the other week and nerves doesn't even begin to say how I felt. I felt sorry for the interviewers lol. I still can't exercise but am walking a lot and that's just on the wards. I do my physio exercises as much as I can tolerate and I have an appointment a week on Tuesday. I'm hoping to go for some additional walks on my days off but I still have my final degree essay to do so that depend on my schedule. I can't believe how much things have changed over the last 3 years. I'm a more confident person than the person who started thi...

What a week.......

This week has been a weird one. I started placement and I think I'm getting on ok. I've also been working trying to get a job when I qualify as well as finishing my uni work. Matt and I have had a good chat about my career and the future so a plan is in place and I'm excited!  I'm still out on the exercise front though. I have a physio appointment on Monday and they will hopefully say that I can go back to exercising. I've got my swimming buddy all organised and as soon as the physio gives me the green light, I'll be back on it. I'm choking to do some form of exercise. I'm booked to do a Fun Run on 4th November and I think that's going to be the first time that I do a proper run. I miss training with the girls from CPT :-( After the physio on Monday, I'm hoping that they say I can go for walks, that way I'll be able to walk the runs with the CPT girls (while they run them obviously). I've been on my medication for my PCOS now for ...

Think Positive!!!

I haven't really been in the mood to post lately. I'll be honest, I'm gutted about this injury. I'm gutted that it's keeping me out of training and I'm sick of not being able to take stairs without there being an element of pain. I start placement on Monday and for the first week will be working 8 hour shifts. From week 2 onwards, it'll be 12.5 hour shifts and I can't be ill or hobbling about for that. It's not exactly a great impression. I'm only 12 weeks away from becoming a 'proper' nurse and I can't wait.  To keep myself going I've been looking at holidays for next year. I don't have the motivation of being able to go to training at the moment so I'm using a swimsuit as my motivation. Next summer, I'll need to wear a swimsuit and that's what's got to get my diet back on track. I've been so down about not being able to exercise that I've let it all lapse and I can't do that. I've come way...

Doctor Appointment

Well I had the docs today about my hip/leg. She said I have a Grade 3 groin strain. On a positive it's a muscular injury and not anything wrong with my actual hip joint. On the negative she said it could take 4-6 weeks to get better. She made me promise that I won't head back to Commando training until I'm in no more pain and can climb stairs without there even being a niggle of pain :-( I'm gutted but I know I need to get better ahead of placement. I've got stronger pain killers to help me when I get really sore. I've got lots of things to concentrate on so I'm going to concentrate on those things. It'll get better when it gets better! When I do get back to Commando its going to be as bad as my first time lol.

Just after my 10k, I posted that I had hurt my left leg/hip. Since then it doesn't seem to have improved at all. I went to CPT on Mon, Tues and Thurs of last week but after Thurs the pain was bad, I stayed off Sat, Mon and Tues. It was starting to feel better and wasn't even a fraction as sore. I went back tonight for the first time and it was agony. As soon as we started to run I could feel it. Every time I put my foot down.... It got so bad at one point that I actually thought I was about to cry to tried to remove myself from the group a wee bit. With placement starting a week on Monday, I absolutely can't risk not being able to walk the wards. I'm totally gutted to say this but I'm going to have give CPT a rest for a while :-( I've never enjoyed exercise so much and I can't believe I'm going to have to give it a rest. The walking about the ward for 12.5 hours, 3 days a week will be lighter exercise and I can always go out for a walk on my days o...

Ready to throw in the towel

Am officially sick of this!! Not only did I have a rubbish week with whatever I've done to my hip but I put on 4.5lbs at Fat Fighters!! What the hell!?!? My diet hasn't been the greatest but it's not putting on that sort of weight. I'm not going to make excuses though. I haven't eaten as well and I haven't been able to exercise as hard as usual. So this week, it's back to basics. I'll be tracking my food intake and using the weight watchers points stuff properly. I'm not sure when I'll be able to get back to training with this hip pain. It needs to be all about diet this week. Good tracking, good eating! I started my new medication this week as well so by my weigh in on Friday, I'll be on the maximum dose and will hopefully be seeing the benefit of that. So I do feel ready to throw in the towel but I'm not going to. I've come too far, I ran a 10k last weekend!! A year ago I'd never have done that! I'm a size 18, last O...