Fingers crossed, things are moving forward
This week I got some brilliant news. I passed my diploma in Nursing!!! That means that I can get a job as a Staff nurse. There is still the option to go for my degree which is my plan but providing I pass the placement I'm currently on, I'll be Staff Nurse Chambers in 10 weeks. Scary but exciting stuff. Now starts the hunt for a job. I have an interview next week which I have everything crossed for. I had my first interview the other week and nerves doesn't even begin to say how I felt. I felt sorry for the interviewers lol. I still can't exercise but am walking a lot and that's just on the wards. I do my physio exercises as much as I can tolerate and I have an appointment a week on Tuesday. I'm hoping to go for some additional walks on my days off but I still have my final degree essay to do so that depend on my schedule. I can't believe how much things have changed over the last 3 years. I'm a more confident person than the person who started thi...